Wednesday, September 12, 2007

2.1 Run DSL from LiveCD - COMPLETE

Hardware Precursors: Open up box - add RAM, attach CD drive, insert IDE Flash module.


1. Download latest version of DSL:
2. Select the 'current' directory
3. download the dsl.[versions_number].iso
4. Burn this to disk. If you have trouble with any of this bit then google 'burning CD-Roms help' and find out how to do it.
5. Stick your CD-Rom into the Drive and start up your machine.
6. If it doesn't boot immediately, you may need to select 'Boot from CD-Rom' in your Bios settings of your computer. To access your Bios settings, hit Delete during the first few seconds after switching on. If Delete doesn't work, try F8, F2 or any of the other 'F's during the first few seconds (pretending you are a jazz pianist can work too by running your fingers up and down the F keys - not so good at identifying the correct F key to press for future though). You may be able to look up some Hardware instructions for your Motherboard if you are still struggling. Again Googling will probably help.
7. Let the whole thing run - when you are asked to enter cheat codes. Just hit return and get the thing installed.
8. Muck about with your very nice new Operating System that took less than 10 minutes to get up and running.
9. Is your computer connected to the internet to the network? Easy: Check by using Mozilla or similar to check your connection to the web. Otherwise, double click Terminal icon in top left hand of screen and type ifconfig (equiv of ipconfig in windoze). This should help you to diagnose problems. I'm not going to spend a lot of time sorting out problems here with this because I never had a problem. One thing I did though is to set a DHCP reservation for the linux box on the Server - this is just to push the linux addresses away from the windows ones. Open up DHCP on the server, select your scope, open reservation and add a reservation as per instructions. Use the MAC address of your linux box (found using ifconfig) and enter in the details without the colons. Reboot.

OK - you have installed DSL - well done! You can do all sorts of things with this now. This includes downloading DSL add-ons etc. The changes you make are not PERSISTENT! This means that the next time you load up the DSL from the CD-Rom the preferences and changes that you have made will not have been saved. More about this later.

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