Friday, September 14, 2007

The Plan

1. Buy Machine - COMPLETE
2.1 Install DSL from LIveCD - COMPLETE
2.2 Install DSL on HD - COMPLETE
3. Understand the filesystem a bit better - COMPLETE
4. Install and configure rDesktop
5. Install and configure VNC (look at all flavours)
6. Compare VNC and RDesktop for ease of use and media streaming etc.
7. With whichever works best, create automatic button based logons for users (.lua manipulation)
8. Connect the media player of choice to the music folder on the server. Set permissions.
9. Back up the iso / remaster ?
10. Push the whole build into Ram at boot (toram)
11. Write idiot guide (for myself and others) how to upgrade Distros in the future.
12. NEW - review intrd version for server pxe distribution(suggested by roberts).

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